The first phase of the VII edition of the educational program ‘Emprende por el Clima’ comes to an end!

February 10, 2022

‘Emprende por el Clima’, the educational program that seeks to raise awareness among young people about the importance of caring for the environment through the generation of entrepreneurial ideas, faces the final stretch in the coming months.

This program, promoted by BNP Paribas together with the Junior Achievement Foundation, gives students from 12 to 14 years old the opportunity to be part of the change, and to take their first entrepreneurial steps in the field of sustainability and environmental care with the help of BNP Paribas volunteers.

The first phase of classroom sessions between volunteers and students has just ended. In the last few weeks, the students have been developing their ideas and will have to send them for evaluation to the volunteer judges to enter the “Top 20” before the final phase, where the winning projects will be chosen.

Since the launch in 2015 of ‘Emprende por el Clima’, more than 10,300 students from all over Spain have been able to benefit from this environmental entrepreneurship program. At BNP Paribas we are committed to the development of young talent for the construction of a better future. By supporting them from our areas of expertise, we can generate positive impact beyond our business and contribute together to the solution of major global challenges. We would like to thank again the commitment and support of all the volunteers who are participating in this educational program, which encourages young people to be more entrepreneurial and to generate ideas that make this world a better place.

Do not miss below the BNP Paribas Group’s commitment to society