El Grupo BNP Paribas es el principal banco de la Unión Europea y uno de los más importantes a nivel internacional. Contamos con cerca de 185.000 empleados en 65 países. En España somos más de 5.100 empleados en 13 líneas de negocio.


En Arval tenemos como misión mejorar la vida de las personas ofreciendo servicios de movilidad adaptados a las necesidades de nuestros clientes y con una clara orientación hacia la movilidad sostenible. Ofrecemos una amplia gama de soluciones innovadoras y proporcionamos un servicio personalizado a nuestros clientes, desde grandes corporaciones a particulares. Con más de 30 años de experiencia, presencia en treinta países y una flota financiada superior a 1,5 millones de vehículos, somos líderes en nuestro sector


 Funciones principales:

·         Tener un profundo conocimiento de la política de KYC, KYI, KYX de Arval.

·         Tratar el registro de cada cliente en la BBDD y verificar que se dispone de toda la información y documentación obligatoria según la política interna.

·         Verificar la implementación en la BBDD de KYC, KYI las reglas que garanticen que el análisis está correctamente gestionado.

·         Comunicar a las áreas comerciales la posible insuficiencia de datos o documentación aportada para realizar el KYC y KYI y solicitud de solución.

·         Revisar todas las alertas desencadenadas y realizar el tratamiento correspondiente sobre cada una de ellas.

·         Elevar a Compliance todos los casos HR y PEP positivos.

·         Agrupar y constatar que toda la información y documentación es correcta y suficiente cuando es escalado a Compliance.

·         Archivar y recoger las decisiones de CAC

·         Verificar en Drive que se ha trasladado desde la BBDD de KYC, KYI correctamente el score, fecha de certificación y recertificación de los mismos.

·         Comprobar que en Drive está correctamente registrada la información de KYC (datos de la empresa, Apoderados, SMO, Score, fecha de certificación, recertificación)

·         Guardar toda la documentación y evidencias en la BBDD y Alfresco.

·         Hacer controles periódicos y generar informes para confirmar la calidad del dato, cumplimiento de la política interna y simetría entre las diferentes herramientas.

·         Examinar que todos los clientes tienen hecho el KYC.

– En caso de comunicación de nuevos eventos que puedan afectar al score KYC, KYI del cliente, gestionar las modificaciones y realizar la recertificación.

Experiencia previa:

 ·         Experiencia en puestos técnicos o analíticos en áreas de Riesgos o financieras.

·         Será muy valorable conocimiento en la política de Know Your Customer.


• Programas de formación, planes de carrera y oportunidades de movilidad interna, no solo a nivel nacional sino también a nivel internacional gracias a nuestra presencia en diferentes países.

• Comité de Diversidad e Inclusión a nivel Grupo que vela por un ambiente de trabajo inclusivo. En los últimos años se han creado varias comunidades de empleados que organizan diferentes acciones de concienciación en torno a la diversidad e inclusión (PRIDE, We Generations y MixCity).

• Programa de voluntariado corporativo (1 Million Hours 2 Help) en el que los empleados pueden dedicar tiempo de su horario laboral a actividades de voluntariado.

• Plan de retribución flexible.

• Modelo de teletrabajo híbrido (50%).

• 22 días de vacaciones.

• 2 días de asuntos propios.

• Día libre en Navidad.

• Tarde libre el día de tu cumpleaños.

• Jornada intensiva todos los viernes y en julio y agosto.

• Flexibilidad horaria.

• Seguro de vida.

• Seguro médico.

• Tarjeta comida (156€ al mes/10 meses).

• Salario fijo + bonus variable + participación en beneficios.

Compromiso de diversidad e inclusión

BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.  

At Arval, our mission is to improve people´s lives by offering mobility services tailored to the needs of our customers, with a clear focus on sustainability mobility. We offer a wide range of innovative solutions and provide a personalized service to our customers, from large corporations to private individuals. With more than 30 years of experience, a presence in thirty countries and a financed fleet of more than 1.5 million vehicles, we are leaders in our sector. Our new strategic plan Arval Beyond prepares us to offer our customers the best sustainable mobility adapted to their needs.
Localización de vehículos devueltos y traslado a las campas para su posterior venta.
1-Localización de los vehículos notificados en Drive por el equipo de Entregas y Devoluciones
2-Comunicación al equipo de Entregas y Devoluciones de los vehículos notificados y no devueltos
3-Solicitudes de transporte a los proveedores logísticos:seguimiento del transporte hasta su llegada a la campa y resolución de incidencias.
4-Gestión administrativa de robos y pérdidas totales notificadas por Global Operations
5-Recuperaciones puntuales de vehículos en el extranjero, coches robados localizados y apropiaciones indebidas
6-Revisión facturas proveedores logísticos
  • Studies
Formación Grado Superior en Administración
  • Experiencia
Experiencia mínima de 2 años en logística, transporte de vehículos, organizando rutas y cargas.
  • Languages

Ingles B2 

Valorable francés

  • Technical
Excel avanzado imprescindible (macros)
Conocimientos del sector automoción
  • Transversal & Behavioral
Atención al detalle, rigor
Capacidad para resolver problemas
Capacidad de organización
Trabajo en equipo


  • Programas de formación, planes de carrera y oportunidades de movilidad interna, no solo a nivel nacional sino también a nivel internacional gracias a nuestra presencia en diferentes países
  • Comité de Diversidad e Inclusión a nivel Grupo que vela por un ambiente de trabajo inclusivo. En los últimos años se han creado varias comunidades de empleados que organizan diferentes acciones de concienciación en torno a la diversidad e inclusión (PRIDE, We Generations y MixCity)
  • Programa de voluntariado corporativo (1 Million Hours 2 Help) en el que los empleados pueden dedicar tiempo de su horario laboral a actividades de voluntariado
  • Plan de retribución flexible
  • Modelo de teletrabajo híbrido (50%)
  • 22 días de vacaciones
  • 2 días de asuntos propios
  • Día libre en Navidad
  • Tarde libre el día de tu cumpleaños
  • Jornada intensiva todos los viernes y en julio y agosto
  • Flexibilidad horaria
  • Seguro de vida
  • Seguro médico
  • Tarjeta comida (156€ al mes/10 meses)
  • Salario fijo + bonus variable + participación en beneficios. 

Diversity and inclusion commitment

 BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.

BNP Paribas es un banco líder en Europa de dimensión internacional. Está presente en 74 países con más de 192.000 profesionales, de los cuales 146.000 se encuentran en Europa. El Grupo mantiene posiciones clave en sus tres grandes áreas de actividad: Domestic Markets e International Financial Services (cuya red de banca minorista y servicios financieros forma parte de Retail Banking & Services), así como Corporate & Institutional Banking, que ofrece servicios a clientes corporativos e institucionales. El Grupo acompaña a sus clientes (particulares, empresarios, PYMEs, grandes empresas e instituciones) para ayudarles a realizar sus proyectos prestándoles servicios de financiación, inversión, ahorro y aseguramiento.

En Europa, el Grupo tiene cuatro mercados domésticos (Bélgica, Francia, Italia y Luxemburgo) y BNP Paribas Personal Finance es número uno en financiación a particulares en Europa.

BNP Paribas desarrolla su modelo integrado de banca minorista en los países de la cuenca mediterránea, Turquía, Europa del Este y dispone de una importante red en la costa oeste de EE.UU. Tanto en sus actividades de Corporate & Institutional Banking como International Financial Services, BNP Paribas ocupa posiciones de liderazgo en Europa, tiene una gran presencia en América y una red sólida y con fuerte crecimiento en la región de Asia-Pacífico

BNP Paribas Personal Finance, a través de su marca comercial Cetelem, es especialista en crédito al consumo, préstamos personales y gestión de tarjetas. Es partner financiero de importantes empresas de distribución, de bienes de consumo y concesionarios de automóviles y, además, un referente de análisis de mercado gracias a los estudios del Observatorio Cetelem. BNP Paribas Personal Finance cuenta con 20.000 empleados prestando servicio a más de 20 millones de clientes.

¿Quieres formar parte de una compañía en la cual tu opinión cuente?

En BNP Paribas Personal Finance buscamos personas proactivas, autónomas y curiosas que les guste estar siempre actualizadas. Personas metódicas y organizadas que tengan muchas ganas de aportar y crecer aprovechando todas las oportunidades de desarrollo que ofrecemos.


Velar por el respeto y cumplimiento de los principios básicos de conformidad en cualquier operación de las entidades que gestionamos, colaborando y participando en las actividades de prevención y detección de blanqueo de capitales, financiación del terrorismo, embargos de acuerdo a la normativa interna, de Grupo, la legislación española y las instrucciones de su superior, con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de la normativa de la compañía dentro de su perímetro.

Durante la beca, podrá colaborar dentro el área de Seguridad Financiera en Compliance.


Entre sus funciones principales se incluyen:  el apoyo a la monitorización de transacciones



Estudios mínimos

  • Estudiante de Grado / Licenciatura en ADE, Derecho o equivalente
  • Nivel medio-alto de inglés
  • Manejo de Excel, Word y Outlook
  • Tener superados el 50% de los créditos de su carrera y estar inscrito como solicitante de beca en su Centro de estudios

Experiencia mínima

  • No Requerida

Requisitos deseados

  • Se valorará tener formación específica en Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo 

Compromiso de Diversidad e Inclusión

BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Por tanto, en igualdad de condiciones en cuanto a cualificación y competencias para el puesto, accederá la persona candidata del sexo menos representado en ese nivel. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.

Spain IT Production
Spain IT Production organization consists of CIB ITO & ITG IT Platforms and is responsible for providing IT Production services to our Clients in EMEA, ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. IT Production organisation includes Infrastructure services, Digital Working, Telecom& Datacentres, Production Security and Application Production domains and associated transversal services (CTO Office, Control Tower, PMO and IT Continuity). In Spain, IT Production relies on a Platform with over 400 experts that provide full-stack support services ensuring a secure, stable, standardized, and efficient production.


ITGP Digital Working is responsible to provide IT Services to our clients ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. This function includes Infrastructures (Active Directory, Messaging, Instant Messaging, Desktop …) as well as elements of the Global Services organization.


Team membership
• Ensure to be proven as good team player to deliver the objectives assigned to the team.
• Work with other regional L2 Messaging teams to achieve proper infrastructure monitoring and support coverage (follow the sun L2 infrastructure management/support).
• Work with regional service desk teams and with regional L3 Messaging teams (escalation, knowledge transfer).
Technical Management
• Provide L2 technical support (requests and incidents) to end users on Microsoft Exhange and Identity
• The ideal candidate should have at least 2-3 years’ experience with Microsoft Exchange and Identity.
Business relationship management
• Liaising with Business Application Teams, Regional IT Teams, Global Infrastructure Support and IT Security Teams to resolve issues, complete tasks and deliver projects in a timely fashion.
• Provide relevant communication to service desk teams and/or users because of change management or because of an incident.
• Provide and update knowledge articles to service desk teams.
• Governance.
• Ensure the coordination and collaboration with Team Leaders of the relevant functional area.
• Ensure that the instructions and guidelines of the Group (esp. IT Security guidelines and Global ITI&P Governance) are respected and the architecture is validated.



• Group Functions, retail France (BCEF), Asset Management, Fortis, Cardif France, Personal Finance, International Retail Banking, Cardif, BNL….
• IT Security, Compliance


• Centric user. Provide end user satisfaction by reducing resolution time of the incidents,
• Ensure incidents are resolved within SLA as defined within Service Now,
• Guarantee functioning of the systems and escalation of problems, proper documentation, good procedures/controls,
• Track and proactively manage Incidents. Devise improvement strategies to reduce incidents,
• Develop procedures and IT controls for the team.


Qualifications and Experience:

• At least 2 years of experience in complex IT infrastructure environments.
• Experience of large organizations (matrix with local & functional reporting lines).
• Exposed to multi-cultural environment and able to work as part of a Global team.
• Fluency in English.
• Experience using ticketing systems.


• English: high level.

Essential Technical Knowledge/Skills:

• Good knowledge and experience with following systems:
o Exchange O365 and Exchange OnPrem in a Hybrid set-up.
o Microsoft Outlook
o Active directory and Azure Active Directory
• Understanding of core IT infra setup:
o Understand PowerShell scripts for use in automating certain tasks
o Wintel systems: Windows Server
o Network: WIN/MAN/LAN topology, ICP/DMZ, Firewall
o Windows 7/10
o Knowledge of ITIL (service delivery).


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan
• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%)
• 31 vacation days

Diversity and Inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

¿Who are we?

We are South Europe Technologies (S.ET); the IT, Data and Operations Shared Service Center of BNP Paribas Personal Finance (PF), with delivery centers in Spain and Portugal, providing the best solutions to BNPP PF entities around the world such as Cetelem (specialized, between others, in financial partnership of major retailers, consumer goods companies and car dealerships).

Among other services, our portfolio is composed of:

  • Applications Management (Architecture, Project Management, Development, and Quality Assurance).
  • IT Risks & Cybersecurity Services.
  • Platforms Management.
  • Data Analytics and AI.
  • Operations.

Our offices are in Spain (Madrid) and Portugal (Lisbon, Porto). The company brings together over 200+ employees, with expertise in various technologies (Java, .Net, Python, Tibco, APIGee) and other operational roles (Functional Analyst, Project Manager, Business Analyst, Auto Stock Financing operators). We keep growing!

Our consistent track record of services delivery means comfort for our customers and opportunities for our employees.

You will find SET to be full of energy and an Inclusive Workplace in which you truly can make a difference.

Would you like to join our international team that delivers end-to-end solutions (applications and operations activities) to businesses of BNP Paribas Personal Finance Group entities around the world?

In a context of maintaining the high level of existing activities while growing the number of international customers, we are looking for our .Net Developer M/W.


The IT team “Compliance” operates maintenance and evolutions of all internal solutions AML Tools (Anti-Money Laundering) and KYB develop in .Net/C#. The solutions are “international”, used by all PF entities. Team works in Agile / Scrum.

Different solutions constitute the product:

  • KAFIN: A management workflow for KYB (Know Your Bank Compliance Rules).
  • CAMEL: An alert generator engine for detecting alerts based on events related to a typical financial transactions performed by customers.
  • EXPRESSO: An alert generator against list of words.
  • TRACK : an alert management workflow (Compliance Rules).

CAMEL is operational on all the perimeters of business information system customers of PF France and partners.

TRACK and KAFIN are available for all PF subsidiaries.

You will be responsible for creating the project’s deliverables, along with the Risk Assessment development team, he is responsible for delivering a releasable increment of a “done” product at the end of each sprint. 

You will be responsible for delivering a functional element (or piece) of the product at the end of each sprint.

As part of the management of the obsolescence of framework and the evolutive and corrective maintenance of the “Compliance” applications, your main responsibilities are:

  • Participation in Scrum ceremonies (daily, sprint planning, sprint review …).
  • Estimate user stories in the sprint backlog.
  • Development.
  • Delivery.
  • Improvement of the existing ergonomic.
  • Participation in the various activities to overcome application obsolescence.
  • NRT implementation and maintenance.
  • Experience

        – At least 4 years of experience in related functions.

        – Strong .Net (C#) Language knowledge.

        – Analytical ability.

        – Scrum method knowledge.

        – Knowledge of Compliance is a plus.

  • Languages

 – Fluent level of English is a must.

 – Any other European language is nice to have.

– Excellent ability to delegate responsibilities while maintaining organizational control of branch operations and customer service.
– Proficiency in conflict management and business negotiation processes.
– Appropiately delegates while maintaining accountability.
– Demonstrates sound cost-effectiveness mindset.
– Gives and welcomes feedback. Puts success of the business and team above own interest.


We are proud to create, maintain and develop business solutions for BNP Paribas Group entities around the world, while keeping a high level of service and providing added value to our customers.

Working in an Inclusive and Multicultural environment, we encourage everyone to develop their talents and skills, offering various career opportunities and internal mobility programs, within local SET teams or in other entities within the Group.

We value our employees’ experience by keeping a well-balanced environment with flexibility regarding the work schedule and care for everyone’s personal time.

We embraced a hybrid way of working because we believe social connection always adds value to our day-to-day activities.



• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan. 
• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).
• 31 vacation days.
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

BNP Paribas is an internationaBNP Paribas is an international bank with leading positions in the European market. It is present in 74 countries and employs more than 192,000 people, 146,000 of whom are in Europe. The Group holds key positions in its three main areas of activity: Domestic Markets and International Financial Services (whose retail banking and financial services network is part of Retail Banking & Services), as well as Corporate & Institutional Banking, which offers services to corporate and institutional clients. The Group supports its customers (individuals, entrepreneurs, SMEs, large companies and institutions) to help them carrying out their projects by providing financing, investment, savings and insurance services.
In Europe, the Group has four domestic markets (Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg) and BNP Paribas Personal Finance is number one in retail financing in Europe.
BNP Paribas is developing its integrated retail banking model in the Mediterranean countries, Turkey, Eastern Europe and has an important network on the US West Coast. In both its Corporate & Institutional Banking and International Financial Services activities, BNP Paribas has leading positions in Europe, a strong presence in the Americas and a solid and growing network in the Asia-Pacific region.

The CIB IT Platform for EMEA is responsible to provide IT Services to our Clients ensuring a Digital Market evolution, in a secured and performant environment, and with a reliable quality. This function includes Global Markets Application Production, Local Territory IT Development, the Core Infrastructure environment including Datacentres, Application Production, Security, Architecture as well as elements of the Global Services organisation.


The service of Production Security provides all necessary resources to ensure the correct and efficient control, administration and support of operational security solutions and tools on network, server and endpoint infrastructures for business areas operated by ITG.

Health Checking & Vulnerability Management team provides a global service of internal scan on all the eligible Assets into BNPP group (OS & MW).

Technical scopes are:
« Compliance check
« Quarterly analysis
« Monitoring of Tanium actions with TAMS
« Scanning Tools (Qualys & Tanium Comply)
« Master OS Homologation (Windows / RHEL)
« OVA Homologation

•  Available for On Site Services: 09:00 to 18:00 regular/variable schedule range
•  On call 7/7 – 18:00 to 09:00


« Responses to SNOW ticketing regarding on demand
« Responses to SNOW ticketing incident
« Publishing KPI / dashboards
« Continuous improvement of Scan process and exceptions management
« Monitoring the figures
« Deployment + MCO of Tanium agents
« Follow-up to the Risks Letters
« Review of DR2 + codings
« Review of exceptions



•  Bachelor in Computer Science or equivalent 
•  Minimum 2 to 4 years experience in cybersecurity and production environments


•  Fluent English written and spoken. Strong written, oral, and interpersonal communications skills
•  French is a plus
•  Client Focus
•  Capable to communicate
•  Experience as SPOC for technical escalations
•  Cybersecurity certifications
•  Ability to coordinate with offshore teams; interface with customers, vendors and partners for issue resolution. 



• CVE Analyses
• Health Checking skills
• Vulnerability Management skills
• Scanning tool experience
• Good culture of Cloud solutions (IaaS, PaaS, Saas)
• Global IT culture (Application security, Environments)

Transversal & Behavioral

 •  Analytical Ability
 •  Ability to manage a project
 •  Communication skills


• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan
• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%)
• 31 vacation days

Diversity and Inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.
Infinity Finance HUB
BNP Paribas EMEA Finance employs 500 employees, of which more than 325 are based in Madrid. We manage more than 250 BNP Paribas entities from all over Europe, covering +60% of Group’s balance sheet and all group’s banking activities (Corporate & Investment Banking, Retail Banking, Personal Finance and other financial services activities…).
Our mission is to measure, control and explain all the financial indicators required to monitor accounting, tax, regulatory, liquidity, credit risk reporting and management result activities.

Finance Implementation Projects (FIP) EMEA team ensures the end-to-end implementation of the Business and Regulatory projects in the region, in full alignment with Finance strategy. In the scope of FIP:

  1. Projects related to changes driven by Business and/or ITO initiatives (new products, operational systems implementation, migration between the systems, etc.).
  2. Projects related to changes driven by new Regulatory environment (new regulation implementation: IASB, ECB, Local Central Banks and/or regulators, etc.).

The main responsibility of this role is to implement, coordinate and follow up projects related to/impacting Financial Accounting and Reporting systems as well as to provide Functional Finance Systems expertise on the BAU, at Regional level, with respect to Systems settings and their impact on Finance activity.

  • Regional projects EMEA: Full project cycle organization and management
    • Project scope definition (problem/request understanding, analysis and impact assessment)
    • Business requirements, proposed solution analysis
    • Testing scenario and planning
    • User acceptance test (support Finance user in the test results analysis and validation)
    • Deployment aftercare
  • Contribution to Centrally managed Business-related projects  (change requests with systems architecture impact, systems’ enhancement, process reengineering, operational process automation, new systems implementation/migrations, new regulatory requests, etc.):
    • Coordination of project committees (Kick-off, Steering Committees, etc), preparation of documentation and communication (business requirements, projects committee presentations, projects status update to management, status dashboards).
    • Participation in analysis of project impact on Finance Domain. Assist central teams with the study/deployment of changes to the Finance architecture in EMEA region (e.g. testing of new accounting interfaces or system enhancements; validation of changes to the Finance architecture …).        
    • Contribution to functional specification and solution design (to ensure local specific requirements, if any, are taken into account).
    • Contribution to testing strategy (scenario, test book) to ensure Finance requirements are covered
    • Assist Finance final users to perform testing and validate results as well as aftercare support
    • Testing scenario and planning
    • User acceptance test (support Finance user in the test results analysis and validation)
    • Deployment aftercare
    • Support the production teams on the resolution of systems data quality issues in BAU mode
  • Share best practices and homogenize solutions on tools across the Region
  • Project Management
  • Strong knowledge of banking activities and products
  • IT skills: Excel advanced user, Business Intelligence Tools (Tableau, Business Object…), database consultation (SQL…), PowerPoint. Knowledge of Finance tools and systems would be a plus.
  • Good knowledge of accounting
  • Knowledge of financial reporting processes in Banking and Capital Market industry
  • Language: fluent in English (both oral and written), French is a plus
  • Good communication (spoken and written) and capability to work and interact with people of different expertise and hierarchical level
  • Ability to adapt to change and client oriented
  • Collaborative work and team player
  • Organizational skills: autonomy, capacity to manage several tasks in parallel, to prioritize and to manage pressure.
• Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
• Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
• Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
• Flexible compensation plan. 
• Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).
• 31 vacation days.
Diversity and inclusion commitment
BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

BNP Paribas Group 

BNP Paribas is one of the euro zone’s leading banks, with nearly 200 000 employees in 74 countries with key positions in its three main activities: Retail Banking, Investment & Protection Services, International Financial Services and Corporate & Institutional Banking.  
Throughout the world, BNP Paribas employees are deeply involved with the real economy. They help women and men, as well as businesses, associations, and institutions, to build their projects and solve concrete problems.  As an international company and one of the largest banks, we have the human, technological and financial means to help move the lines, to be part of the solution, to be forerunners.  Our company is renewing its client-centered model to become more digital. This move goes hand in hand with our focus on bringing positive contributions to society. 

AIR Tech team  

Our AIR Tech team (Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Technology for RISK and Compliance) is here to drive the bank’s digital transformation through the development of strategies and recommendations based on advanced analytical methods.   

Within the RISK and Compliance functions, AIR Tech is an AI (Artificial Intelligence) expert team in charge of developing Artificial Intelligence solutions for RISK and Compliance Streams and beyond.  

Role responsibilities 

As an ML (Machine Learning) Engineer, you will play a pivotal role in deploying AI models that drive strategic decision-making and operational efficiency. The ML Engineer will collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate machine learning and other AI models into the business processes and provide technical support to ensure the success of AI initiatives. 

Within our team of 35 people, you will support Data Scientists and contribute to industrializing the analysis and modelling of structured and unstructured data. You will also contribute to the architecture design of the solution for your project. And you will participate in the team effort in building tools and frameworks to improve efficiency with a focus on delivering high standard code and models.   

You will also be involved in the MLOps activities, especially in deploying and monitoring our ML models in production. You will work closely with Data Scientists to define and operate an AI model lifecycle and to ensure the optimal performance of our portfolio of models.  

Key Responsibilities 

– Integration of machine learning models into business processes, ensuring smooth deployment and effective performance. 

– Full stack development (front-end/back-end) and architecture design for projects but also development of some API based on common data processing needs 

– Technical support for Data Scientists in terms of ensuring proper code structuring and better automation of workflows 

– Technology monitoring on artificial intelligence topic (for instance review of internal or external solutions 

Beyond projects, ML Engineers are expected to share their expertise at multiple levels: within the team though technical sharing sessions and beyond as well during our regular open discussion sessions on AI. 

Technical Skills and Qualifications 

  • – Expertise: Python (mandatory), SQL, Elastic search, Docker, Devops and MLops methodology, Angular, JavaScript, SQL, Apache, React, Django, Java.  

  • – Education: Bachelor or Master Degree in Computer Science or related field. 

  • – Experience: at least 2-year experience as software engineer/ data analytics engineer in an agile, innovation-oriented team, preferably with at least one of the following skills: 

  •       – In particular Experience building and maintaining CI/CD pipelines. building and maintaining CI/CD pipelines using tools such as Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes, or building, deploying, and monitoring ML models in production using tools such as MLFlow and Kubeflow. 

  • – Languages: Fluent in English. Spanish and/or French a plus 

  • Personal profile: 

  • – Strong analytical / problem solving skills. 

  • – Capacity to work in project mode. 

  • – Rigorous and curious. 

  • – Resourceful. 

  • – Client-oriented. 

Diversity and Inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.


BNP Paribas Group is the top bank in the European Union and a major international banking establishment. It has close to 185,000 employees in 65 countries. In Spain we are more than 5,100 employees within 13 business lines.

Risk HUB

RISK is an integrated and independent control function of the BNP Paribas Group. It is the second line of defense on the risk management activities of the Group which are under its direct responsibilities, including credit and counterparty risk, market risk, funding and liquidity risk, interest rate and foreign exchange risks in the banking book, insurance risk, operational risk, and environmental and social risks.

RISK aims at being a partner of the businesses by contributing to their sustainable development, but also a gatekeeper to ensure risks taken remain compatible with the Group’s Risk Appetite and its strategy. 

RISK Iberian Hub Madrid is a transversal platform servicing the RISK Function by covering added-value activities around credit risk, market risk, operational risk and data protection. Offering a wide range of services to RISK teams, from consulting to cyber security going through data analysis, modelling or artificial intelligence.


Whilst the role is primarily Madrid based, the role covers all BNPP Group activities and functions and requires strong collaboration with the RISK ESG Team based in London and Paris.

The purpose of the role is to support the incorporation of ESG matters within the Group’s existing processes and its risk management framework. Whilst it will necessarily entail risk analysis, it primarily involves supporting the Sustainable Finance programme, a large-scale transformation Group-wide programme launched by the Bank to meet the increasing demand for the adoption and insertion of ESG and climate risk management practises at all levels, under the supervision of more senior team members.

The RISK ESG Analyst & Methodology (risk analysis) will report to the RISK ESG Physical Risk Lead in the UK with a local reporting line to the RISK ESG Team Lead in Madrid.


  • Contribution to the definition and implementation of the ESG Perform ad-hoc risk analysis in relation to physical risks either at portfolio or counterparty-level; contribute to relevant disclosures as and when needed (e.g. Pillar 3, Climate Report) under the supervision of senior team members. Running climate models and analysing outputs
  • Assist the team towards meeting supervisory expectations (through the ECB Thematic Review) and complying with regulatory requirements; contributing to the follow-up of defined actions;
  • Perform benchmarking and market watch analysis gathering best practices in relation to ESG risk management through banking industry benchmarking exercises.



  • 2-5 years minimum of experience


  • English (Advanced)
  • French  (Plus)



  • Knowledge of ESG-related topics and risk management: the role will suit an entry level risk professional with a knowledge or experience of ESG-related and risk management topics;
  • Ability to contribute to the delivery of risk analysis and evaluation and structure information for presentations and reporting of management;
  • Ability to contribute to reporting processes, programs, initiatives and activities and their implementation.
  • Ability to show autonomy and initiative;
  • Good verbal and written communication skills (English language) are an absolute requirement, due to the need to foster strong relationships with a broad base of stakeholders across the Bank and to present often within and outside of the team;
  • All-round IT competence, with specific data analysis skills such as being highly proficient in excel or Power BI and capable of liaising with technical resources; coding skills (R, Python) would be a distinct advantage;
  • The position requires a good analytical background across the main categories of risk and the ability to synthesize large amounts of diverse information at any one time;
  • A strong delivery focus is required as strict deadlines are to be respected and limited time is available to collect and analyse risk information;
  • Languages: English (French is an advantage but not a prerequisite).


  • Be a role model, supporting and fostering a culture of good conduct including respect for others.
  • Demonstrate proactivity, transparency and accountability for identifying and managing conduct risks.
  • Consider the implications of your actions on colleagues, partners and clients before making decisions, and escalate issues to your manager when unsure.
  • Listens and responds to feedback.


  • Training programs, career plans and internal mobility opportunities, national and international thanks to our presence in different countries.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Committee that ensures an inclusive work environment. In recent years, several employee communities have been created to organize diversity and inclusion awareness actions (PRIDE, We Generations and MixCity).
  • Corporate volunteering program (1 Million Hours 2 Help) in which employees can dedicate time out of their working hours to volunteer activities.
  • Flexible compensation plan. 
  • Hybrid telecommuting model (50%).
  • 31 vacation days.

Diversity and inclusion commitment

BNP Paribas Group in Spain is an equal opportunity employer and proud to provide equal employment opportunity to all job seekers. We are actively committed to ensuring that no individual is discriminated against on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity/paternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. Equity and diversity are at the core of our recruitment policy because we believe that they foster creativity and efficiency, which in turn increase performance and productivity. We strive to reflect the society we live in, while keeping with the image of our clients.

Within Group BNP Paribas ITO Function, Global Trade Operations, a community of 700* people in the 3 CIB regions & 50 countries, leverage on their integrated and global model to accompany the business strategy being the Global Trade operations Platforms a key enablers of the transformation.

The European Trade Finance Service Center has 115 employees across 16 nationalities in Spain and provides solutions for Domestic and international Guarantees, Syndicated guarantees, Fronting, Green and sustainable linked guarantees and Documentary products (Import and Export) for both, corporations or institutions, in close collaboration with the Global Trade Solutions teams.


Deal directly with CIB clients ensuring their needs are met and/or exceeded within established agreements.

Process Guarantees issued on behalf of the Bank’s clients or other branches/subsidiaries/correspondents, including the review and validation of wordings in non-standard or pre-validated formats.

The day to day processing of guarantee expiries and follow up with branches, correspondents and clients to ensure a smooth release of guarantee instruments as they meet their expiry dates.

Detailed responsibilities:

•        Ensuring client needs are met and/or exceeded, processing client requests on a timely and proactive manner.

•        Verifying that all approvals are in place (from Credit Risk, Compliance and Legal) in order to proceed with client requests

•        Processing of Guarantees issued on behalf of the Bank’s clients or other branches/subsidiaries/correspondents, direct/indirect with due regard to legal, compliance and risk aspects.


•        Systems and processes: Word/Excel

•        English and German mandatory

Compromiso de Diversidad e Inclusión

BNP Paribas Grupo en España es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y se enorgullece de brindar igualdad de oportunidades de empleo a todos los que buscan trabajo. Nos comprometemos activamente a garantizar que ninguna persona sea discriminada por motivos de edad, discapacidad, cambio de género, estado civil o de matrimonio, embarazo y maternidad/paternidad, raza, religión o creencias, sexo u orientación sexual. La equidad y la diversidad están en el centro de nuestra política de contratación porque creemos que fomentan la creatividad y la eficiencia, lo que a su vez aumenta el rendimiento y la productividad. Nos esforzamos por reflejar la sociedad en la que vivimos, manteniendo la imagen de nuestros clientes.